Things to do at home in Phase 2 (Heightened Alert)

Dalgona coffee, Zoom workouts and Houseparty. Sound familiar? Those are just some of the few things that kept us sane during Circuit Breaker when almost all of us had to work from home and stay home to keep the pandemic at bay.

With the new restrictions being enforced recently, we are once again spending more time at home. Just like you, I’ve been finding new things to keep myself entertained while doing my part by staying safe at home.

Here are a few activities that you can do when you’re out of ideas!

Streaming party

Yes, cinemas are still open but why fork out a few more dollars just to watch a movie when you already have a Netflix or Disney+ account?

Both of these streaming platforms allow you organise a ‘watch party’ for you to watch any shows simultaneously with your friends, no matter where they are! You just need to make sure that everyone has an account. In fact, if you miss your family back home, this could be a great bonding session. You can even chat about the show in the chat section while watching it.

Image: Getty Images

Best thing is, you can watch it in the comfort of your own home, whether it’s in the living room or on your bed.

Get your fit on

Remember your New Year’s resolution? It’s time to work on that.

Unlike Circuit Breaker, you can still meet one other person to socialise with. So why not ask your friend along for a run or a workout session to motivate you to achieve your summer body goals

Image: Getty Images

Thankfully for Coveys, we have what you need to stay active! Sign up for ClassPass subscription and enjoy 10% discount*. You can enjoy 2 weeks of free classes and join any virtual classes right from your own room.

Log in to your Cove app to find out more.

Who knows, by 13th June, you’ll get that summer body you’ve been aiming for? 😉

Start a new hobby

Whether it’s cooking, cycling, roller skating, dancing, scrapbooking or stamp collecting, it is time to start now.

Stop making excuses for not starting a new hobby. You now have more time to explore these different hobbies at home. To kickstart this hobby, why not shop for some items from Decathlon to get you started?

Finding a new hobby can also help you to destress so that you won’t think of work all the time! Remember, it is important to have a good work-life balance for the betterment of your mental health. 😊

It’s time to finally read

Yes, I know you have lots of books collecting dust on your bookshelf. Same goes for me too.

I think it’s time for us to reach out to that novel series or that self-help book that has been on the shelf since forever.

Image: Financial Times

Reading is also a nice break from looking at the screen for long hours as most of us are working from home! What’s more, it helps that reading allows us to escape from reality, even if it’s for a little while.

Clean up your room

If your room is in a mess and not a conducive space for WFH, it’s time to really reorganise everything. Having a clean and well-maintained room is important for us to have a productive day at work.

Throw away all the things you don’t need and only keep what you really need. This way, you have more storage space for you to store your stuff. You’ll also realise that you have more pockets of space in your room after a good spring cleaning.

Images: Getty Images

Why not get some plants to make your room look better? But if you’re not the type who wants to invest time in a plant, you can always get a faux plant instead.

We really hope that the partial lockdown this time will be more bearable for you. Talk to your flatmates if you’re feeling lonely. Let’s play our part by staying home and be vigilant in these trying times.